Love yourself because you're God’s masterpiece.

We live in a generation where self-love has become an issue. No matter who you are and what you believe in society has somehow made you belittle yourself and made you think that you are not good enough. Even as Christians, especially young Christians.
We go to church every Sunday, hear about how much God loves us and how precious we are to him but yet still wake up every other day being bitter towards ourselves. We pick on our insecurities and for some reason decide to torture ourselves on things that we cannot change, and when things do not go as planned we blame ourselves and immediately put on the failure tag.

Thankfully, I’m here to tell you otherwise. Ephesians 2:10 says “FOR WE ARE GOD’S MASTERPIECE. HE HAS CREATED US ANEW IN CHRIST JESUS, SO WE CAN DO THE GOOD THINGS HE PLANNED FOR US LONG AGO.” Do you have any idea how much God must love us to say we are his best, his greatest creation? In spite of all his other marvellous creations, God says that we are a masterpiece, a piece of the master. Isn’t that amazing? And because He loves us so, shouldn’t we love ourselves too? Yes! We should.
We were created for a purpose, and for that reason, we need to find our identity in Christ and put aside the world’s definition of value and beauty and take into account the beauty and worth that we already have in us because of Him.

Thank you for reading! God bless y'all

〜 Steph


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