Easter: The Young Christian's View.

Easter: The Young Christian's View.

John 3:16(NIV)
'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life'.

To many, Easter is a time to relax and put all their eggs into one basket, but I believe it is a time of reflection to many Christian Youths, as we get the opportunity to genuinely understand God's love for us all. Easter is without doubt, one of the many most important and oldest festivals of the Christian faith, as it celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Subjectively, I find Easter as one of the most intriguing miracles ever, as death is a very sorrowful thing. However, for many Christians, one could say that it is a joyful, due to the fact that, our sins are atoned for.

 Roman 8:17
'Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory'.

 Let us take a moment to reflect on the death of our Saviour Christ, God in his utmost power sent his only son to die for our sins, so that we would enjoy the blessings of being co-heirs with Jesus, imagine! This is literally the best thing that could happen to anyone. Each and every Christian that has accepted God as his/her father and believes in his name, is subjected to everything that belongs to God.
We basically, own everything on earth because it belongs to our father in Heaven, that is like your parents giving you their life-time savings account, their houses, cars and everything that is in their name  for free without you having to work or pay for them! That is unconditional love right there, if you ask me.

As Christian Youths, Easter should be a time of believing truly with our hearts the word of God.
I want to draw your attention on something, personally as a Christian youth, I find myself saying I believe with my mouth and not my heart, not that I intentionally do it, but I reckon it is because I do not take time to understand the word for what it is. Therefore, I realize, that I doubt what the word of God is saying. For instance, I say things like 'Oh, I’m broke’ despite the promise of God, telling me that I own what he owns. He has promised me everything he has, so realistically I'm broke because I do not believe with my heart enough to act upon his promise, in order experience his power and riches to the fullest.

 I pray that as you read this post, the spirit of doubt is taken away from your life, in order for you to believe the Lord's promises for your life.
 Doubt is a mechanism used by the devil to prevent God's children from experiencing his promises for our lives. When God has your heart, you have his treasures.

This Easter should also be a time of giving. As youth we tend to shy from giving because we subject it to money. However, giving can be done in so many ways, like giving your time to someone that needs it. Similarly, God wants your time: he does not need our time, but he longs for us to spend more time with him. This isn't to offer him anything because he does not need anything of ours, but he wants for us to untie his hands, in order to pour blessings that will overrun from our lives into that of others.

I'm trusting God that, this Easter will be a life changing one as we open up our hearts and believe fully that, he is powerful, merciful and loving enough to bless and help us on our journey as Christian Youths. I would encourage each and every one of us to wholeheartedly partake in every activity that takes place anywhere that we would be during this season. Let us make God's love the central focus of this season.

 If by any chance, you have not gotten the opportunity to accept the Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. I would urge you to pray this prayer; Lord Jesus, I confess I am a sinner and have fallen short of your glory, but I accept you into my heart as my Lord and personal Saviour, please come and stay in my heart and help me get to know and do your will. Amen!

 As you believe in your heart that he is your Saviour, may he be with you as you embark on this life changing journey.

Believe God through his word and do not doubt that, he has the power no one has to bless you in any aspect of your life.

 I hope this post has given you, a little insight of what Easter means to a Christian Youth like yourself. As always, please do feel free to email me; ruthvanderpuye@yahoo.com, with any questions, contributions or anything you may have.




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